Announcing the Digital Acquisition Accelerator Playbook
October 12, 2016
Built on the lessons learned during the pilot phase of the Digital Acquisitions Accelerator, the accompanying playbook examines the current acquisition landscape and provides an approach to procuring custom software solutions. Our goal is to make the government a smarter and more informed buyer of digital products and services.
Buying better digital products part 3: Mapping user stories
August 4, 2016
The Digital Acquisition Accelerator, a program run by the Presidential Innovation Fellows and 18F, launched in early June. Through this program, cross-functional teams from two agencies — the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Federal Bureau of Investigation — are learning to build two products each using modern product management practices. During week two of the Accelerator, the teams applied what they learned in an inception workshop. This is the third in a series of three blog posts that describe the step-by-step process of the workshop.
Buying better digital products part 2: Setting the product vision and strategy
July 26, 2016
This is the second in a series of three blog posts that provide a step-by-step guide to how we led the inception workshop.
Buying better digital products part 1: Proto-personas and understanding the problem
July 21, 2016
Recently, 18F launched the Digital Acquisition Accelerator, a 6-8 month program aimed at creating change agents within two agencies to inspire a cultural shift within those agencies. This is the first in a series of three blog posts that provide a step-by-step guide to how we led the inception workshop.
3 ways for digital acquisition teams to work better
July 13, 2016
As we work through this pilot phase of the Digital Acquisition Accelerator, we’ll be sharing our work and the lessons we learn. We hope this will help other interested teams follow along and also give the public on opportunity to give us feedback on our pilot. Here are three techniques that our team practiced with the FBI and Treasury teams during the recent kickoff of the pilot.
Two agencies participating in the Digital Acquisition Accelerator pilot
June 15, 2016
Today, we’re thrilled to announce that the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Department of the Treasury are the first two agencies to participate in the Digital Acquisition Accelerator Pilot.
Announcing the launch of the Digital Acquisitions Pilot
March 10, 2016
The Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) released a memorandum today that encourages agencies across the federal government to pursue innovative approaches to acquiring goods and services. Given the growing importance of digital acquisitions, OFPP is also launching a Digital Acquisitions Pilot along with the memo.
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