Ask 18F - How can I best advocate for the addition of open-source tools?
February 6, 2019
Ask 18F is an advice column that answers questions sent in by federal employees. In this edition, two of our enginners share how to best advocate for the addition of open-source tools in the analytics space.
Ask 18F — How do you recruit employees?
August 2, 2018
Ask 18F is an advice column that answers questions sent in by federal employees. In this edition, we’ll talk about how to recruit tech talent in government
Ask 18F — How do you tackle the problem of associating plain language to formal governmental terms?
July 6, 2018
Ask 18F is an advice column that answers questions sent in by federal employees. In this edition, we’ll talk about how to associate plain language to formal governmental terms
Ask 18F — Can you share any tips or suggestions on how to shift the cultural mindset of my organization?
June 14, 2018
Ask 18F is an advice column that answers questions sent in by federal employees. In this edition, we’ll talk about how to shift the cultural mindset in an organization from traditional business intelligence to more predictive solutions.
Ask 18F — Can you share any tips or suggestions on designing surveys and forms?
April 5, 2018
Ask 18F is an advice column that answers questions sent in by federal employees. Our technical experts aim to provide you helpful resources and a good starting point to tackle your problem. Got a question? No matter how small the task or how big the project, email us at 18f@gsa.gov
Ask 18F — A new advice column for federal employees
February 28, 2018
We are launching a new series called Ask 18F – an advice column that answers questions sent in by federal employees. Our technical experts hope to dispel myths and ease fears about building or buying technology in government. We aim to give you suggested resources, questions to ask your team and lastly, a good starting off point to tackle the problem you wish to solve.
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