Introducing the UX Guide
August 4, 2020
onAt GSA’s 18F, one thing we do on every project is human-centered design. We use the broader term user experience (UX) design to refer to a set of human-centered methods and practices we use in our work. Our new UX Guide documents some of our practices and holds helpful resources.
Transforming how DOJ's Civil Rights Division engages with the public
July 7, 2020
onIn order to be more responsive to the public’s changing communication needs and the increased reporting volume,the Civil Rights Division, in close collaboration with 18F, has launched a user-friendly online submission experience at civilrights.justice.gov that transforms the way the Division collects, sorts, and responds to civil rights reports.
Building trust in a public health crisis
June 23, 2020
onLately, the 18F content team has been thinking about how to communicate well in a crisis—providing clear, understandable content is especially important. Content strategy practices that focus on the needs of the user are essential to earning the trust of the public. Here, we will explain how to embody those qualities on the web in user-centered ways.
Making Critical Government Information More Resilient
June 4, 2020
onA roundup of steps that federal agencies, and other government entities, can take right now to improve the resilience of their websites and serve information more efficiently to the people that need it
Design & research in critical times
June 2, 2020
on18F staff is distributed across the country and the majority of our research has been and will continue to be facilitated remotely. We are sharing our experience to help guide designers and researchers as they adapt to new ways of working and provide some additional considerations to keep in mind while conducting research in critical times.
18F Blog
Delivering civic technology
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