Today we launch a new version of the De-risking Government Technology Guide, its first update since being published in 2020. Find all the recommendations from the original guide’s two parts—the State Software Budgeting Handbook and the Federal Field Guide—now in one unified package. Plus, there's a new, in-depth section on vendor management!

Government technology projects face challenges to successful delivery from budgeting through post-award. To lower risk of failure at any stage, the guide offers methods, models, and examples that reflect:

  • Best practices in modern software development
  • 18F’s experience working with federal and state partners
  • Input from state employees

Topics covered include:

  • The differences and trade-offs between commercial and custom software
  • Key principles for effective custom software development
  • How (and why) to buy custom software development services using performance-based services contracting
  • How to work with a vendor development team to deliver human-centered software quickly

These changes respond to current government agency needs. As part of the Office of Management and Budget’s Facing a Financial Shock initiative, an 18F team talked with state employees about challenges to procuring and developing state benefits technology systems and possible improvements. Staff expressed a strong desire for federally authored resources about managing technology projects and enabling successful vendor performance. The revised guide is a resource for both.

The changes also reflect the core 18F value to iterate. The guide's original authors hoped it would be revised over time. As we're able, we'll continue to do so.

Check out the new guide online and in PDF. You can also read the press release about the new guide. Share it around. Suggestions, questions, and feedback are welcome! Please reach out through the 18F Guides GitHub repo.