Need to put a form on a government website? Don’t want to do all the paperwork to buy an expensive CMS? Consider Federalist! If your federal agency is looking to post forms to your static pages, there’s a new resource to help you. Federalist recently published a new resource geared to help first time users add forms to Federalist sites. After reading the Federalist form page, you’ll be able to figure out which federal requirements apply to your situation, and how to get started. While these instructions are tailored for Federalist users beginning to work with forms, they cover relevant information for anyone building government static sites with forms.

This resource is the result of a recent pilot research project to understand needs for static forms across government, which was supported by GSA's 10x program for technology-focused ideas from federal employees. Our research identified a number of federal requirements that may come into play depending on your particular situation. We found there wasn’t one place where all these important requirements were explained and cobbling together this information from several sources is especially daunting for first time form users. To make forms and static sites more approachable to the broader federal community, we created this Federalist resource. The resource is a living document that will continually be updated by the Federalist team.

Federalist pages are static websites. This means that while you can add a form to your site, there is no mechanism to handle the form submission to store and see the results. You’ll need to use a separate form service to use a digital form on your agency’s site.

So hop on over to the new Federalist form page to check it out. Interested in adding forms to your Federalist site? Submit a support ticket to Interested in using Federalist at your agency? Email the Federalist team at with your name, agency or office, and information about the website you want to build or migrate.