We’ve received many questions about the UI components that are in the Draft U.S. Web Design Standards. The library includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and fonts that are packaged up and can be imported into any project to create usable, accessible websites. In this post, we’ll talk about how we built the components to be accessible so anyone can use them, the structure of our CSS and JavaScript stacks, and how it’s being adapted to work with other frameworks, like WordPress and Drupal.

Accessible and inclusive

One of our primary goals in developing the Draft Standards was to make sites usable by everyone. This meant our UI components were built prioritizing accessibility and compatibility with different devices and environments.

The components are built on a solid HTML foundation and progressively enhanced to provide core experiences across browsers and devices. This means users will receive important information and be able to interact with critical aspects of the site. While new browsers will showcase a polished experience, older browsers will always have a usable experience.

All components are built mobile first and will respond to different screen sizes by modifying their layout and design. This, combined with a purposefully small asset file size means the Draft Standards are functional on different screen sizes and network speeds, including mobile phones. Most of the components even function without JavaScript.

CSS stack

The CSS foundation of this site is built with the Sass preprocessor language and organized in a modular structure. Sass improves the CSS syntax in order to provide extra features and handy tools. It was built to fill in CSS’s shortcomings, has a wide community of support, and is the most popular preprocessor language.

The Draft Standards also uses two Sass libraries; Bourbon and Neat. It uses Bourbon for its simple and lightweight Sass mixin library, and the Neat library for its grid framework. Bourbon and Neat are open-source products from thoughtbot. None of these tools are required to use the Draft Standards, if you prefer to not use Sass at all, a compiled CSS stylesheet is available.

JavaScript stack

In order to have a small file footprint, and to allow the Draft Standards to be used in any type of project, we kept our JavaScript stack very small. The only framework we use is jQuery. jQuery allows us to apply complex transformations to the browser's Document Object Model or DOM in a way that works across different browsers and browser versions. Without jQuery, we’d have to write specific code for older browsers such as Internet Explorer 9. jQuery allows us to focus on the interface we’re creating and less on differences between browsers.

WordPress, Drupal, and other frameworks

We want to make it easy for web administrators to adopt the Draft Standards with minimal hassle. This means the Draft Standards should be able to plug into sites written in different programming languages and build with different frameworks. In order to support a wide range of different stacks, the Draft Standards were built to not favor any over the other, but focuses on plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that can be incorporated into any framework or programming language. The core Draft Standards team is focusing on the framework and letting outside teams and the open source community develop plugins for other stacks. There are already separate government and public teams working on developing their own CMS themes for Drupal and Wordpress. Additionally, 18F’s static CMS Federalist, which helps agencies deploy static, secure, and scalable websites, uses the Draft Standards.