18F Consulting provides hands-on consulting services to Federal leaders who need assistance in designing and managing software acquisitions that use modern development practices such as user-centered design, agile, and open source. In short, think of us as your in-house technical brains for your next software acquisition.

One of the frequent requests that we receive from our clients is to help them define labor categories for their digital/agile contracts. In case you're unfamiliar with the term labor category, it's more or less Federal procurement speak for a job description that an outside vendor is required to perform.

Since other acquisition professionals could benefit from these descriptions as well, we posted them on a website and public GitHub repo. (As a side note, many of these labor category descriptions were adapted from the UK’s Government Service Design Manual, in accordance with its Open Government Licence v2.0). Feel free to use these descriptions as a template to communicate the types of resources you need in your next agile procurement. In fact, we plan to do just that for our upcoming Agile Delivery Services Request for Quote.